Global Soft Skills & Spiritual Commune( GS3C)

Global Soft Skills and Spiritual Commune is a community of members who have registered to equip themselves with all the soft skills and Spiritual Skills which be imparted by GSSSC trainers. These trainers will help any working professional/employees/staff in any Industry to understand of Soft skills used in any business/Job or activity. The members can be white collar/Blue collar/Grey Collar workers or knowledge worker or any worker who earns his leaving using hard skills but lacks soft skills to move up the ladder in life.

While Hard technical skills are directly relevant to the job which we apply and are easy quantifiable but we found that it is the soft skills and spiritual intelligence which can keep your job motivating and successful by giving you better mental health and bring Quality of Work life. In any activity we need to communicate with managers, co-workers, clients, vendors and employers value these skills and so do other stakeholders. GSSSC members attend 1 hour webinar on all Sundays for 52 Sundays in a year. The 12 areas identified for GSSSC members where they will be trained for a year are

Following areas like A1 :Communication where they learn how to be a good listener and learn the aspects around communication like

Another area is A2 :Critical Thinking. Employers want employers want candidates who can analyze situations and make informed decisions. Whether you are working with data, teaching students, or fixing a home heating system, you need to be able to understand problems, think critically, and devise solutions. Skills related to critical thinking includes

Another area is A3:Leadership. While not every job opening is a leadership role, most employers will want to know that you have the ability to make decisions when push comes to shove, and can manage situations and people. The ability to step up to the plate in a difficult situation and to help to resolve it is something employers look for in prospective employees.If you are interviewing for a job that has the potential for advancement, the employer will want to know that you have what it takes to become a leader. Other skills related to leadership include the abilities to resolve problems and conflicts between people, and to make executive decisions. Areas related to leadership are

Another area is A4: Positive Attitude .Employers are always seeking people who will bring a positive attitude to the office. They want employees who will be friendly to others, eager to work, and generally a pleasure to be around. Being able to keep things positive is especially important if you're working in a fast-paced, high-stress work environment. Areas related to attitude are

Another area is A5 Teamwork. Hiring managers look for job candidates who can work well with others. Whether you will be doing a lot of team projects or simply attending a few departmental meetings, you need to be able to work effectively with the people around you. You need to be able to work with others even if you do not always see eye to eye.Some skills related to teamwork include the ability to negotiate with others, and to recognize and appreciate diversity in a team. Another related skill is the ability to accept and apply feedback from others. Areas around team work are

Another area is A6: work ethic. Employers look for job candidates with a strong work ethic. Such people come to work on time, complete tasks in a timely manner, stay focused, and stay organized. They are able to budget their time and complete their work thoroughly. While they can work independently, people with a strong work ethic can also follow instructions.A strong work ethic is difficult to teach, so employers will be impressed if you can demonstrate it in your job application. Areas to focus on work ethics are

Other Soft skills are

Spiritual Skills and Practices

Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives. In general, it includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, and it typically involves a search for meaning in life. As such, it is a universal human experience-something that touches us all. People may describe a spiritual experience as sacred or transcendent or simply a deep sense of aliveness and interconnectedness.

Some may find that their spiritual life is intricately linked to their association with a church, temple, mosque, or synagogue. Others may pray or find comfort in a personal relationship with God or a higher power. Still others seek meaning through their connections to nature or art. Like your sense of purpose, your personal definition of spirituality may change throughout your life, adapting to your own experiences and relationships.

Spirituality versus emotional health

You will notice as you read on that many practices recommended for cultivating spirituality are similar to those recommended for improving emotional wellbeing. This is because there is a connection between the two-emotional and spiritual wellbeing influence one another and overlap, as do all aspects of wellbeing.

Spirituality is about seeking a meaningful connection with something bigger than yourself, which can result in positive emotions, such as peace, awe, contentment, gratitude, and acceptance.

Emotional health is about cultivating a positive state of mind, which can broaden your outlook to recognize and incorporate a connection to something larger than yourself.

Thus, emotions and spirituality are distinct but linked, deeply integrated with one another.

Areas that will be covered in Spiritual trainings are

A8: Pranic /Aura/Mind Body Soul Healing

A9: Bach Flower Therapy/Crytstallography/Feng Shui

A10: Tarot Reading/Navagraha& Devadhara Healing

A11 : Reiki/Yoga/Mudra/Switch Words

A12: Vaastu/ Spiritual Healing /Body Sculpting/Good Practices - Spirituality & Business will be covered

Good practices coupling Spirtuality with business will be covered as part of A12 course like

Spirituality may refer to an ultimate or an alleged immaterial reality,an inner path enabling a person to discover the essence of his/her being, or the "deepest values and meanings by which people live."Spiritual practices, including meditation, prayer and contemplation, are intended to develop an individual's inner life; spiritual experience includes that of connectedness with a larger reality, yielding a more comprehensive self; with other individuals or Getty Images